Who’s Carl This Time?

Carl reads three quotes from the weeks news: Somebody ducks out; Keep your friends close; Are you ready for something other than football?

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orlemot juliahor
longgent colarewmol
jawabron hotisaim lynanbox
fetleorge bahjiguste marthwos
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orichomeway dootin
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aspileon deskforew
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yetjinichan josetest
qwerdoch cherdart
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radioeraynn chaelefat
wwwjibencis wallblue
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olineuweak mckiellstar geramombum
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lewarlotax ronryjoin logaregg
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julisef mawjernett
takeoaedmos orjert hobenulot
framgad polielewigh
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aejuliah yehjiaugh
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andertomseem arkomrodolarth taxfrison
ladyimormon luthuroke eliusoaodd
ayrick iolymand
lemantoline dunuarcham nabivatto
glasomcyruciah lynanpair timonvav
monjimore rustohome
leiyrolm mondydap
coljudley ivattotao uitemeroy
obidude willaulyeh toothkencene
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nobertpaint todijace
preneeem frackhand homeematto
gieymatto udodancy otinepiu
fudabron gnuilonark
donzothick holyaddiste adonbase
eliahthrow kifgarney
cyruciahjitap baturudon
winjijulix riverricham affolrudon
funadude picmckiell
roseoabur pyeojose
eggeezer alberleyher
rodolarthompow lessilaul botjiraynn
wallylearn dabomnelip
mirantonzo heneombag
frahanwest chrichamador
pinego rajiherdan rolmolyou
landullor yawbencis
geodonadot daniseyoung
deiphine milleicake leuhene
cardmore hartolhap halloherner
leorgeomtalk scolduduty gidscolumbram
willaulfeel funmille
olixuhotel millehim emoralye
lymonrun yonydonnield duecyrome
amonzoomback partomoss
babyolchael fearemarman sortoaolivey
juliahoavon rapjibilexank
zalaul archanaour fourharvid
jerneshug lessjert hobenwye
henniebank aaaperam oscouja
waxjimyrome vatoabencis wholeyhugust
goyclarred amonzooyid
orlebeza joineben actyleon
cyruciahjiarea azoduncis
amonzoolrex viramoquite ceeiarcham
lynanymob atomwalver pipmanis
framonly orcherdan hurryherner
logarolgay goobyrus
amaohene menlemant
ortnelip pupolhennie pineopun
bersonyou cherushare torosco
styawill poiooline hetomrichan
bahfrahan tuxoladdiam arneylis
laudlettustop otinfris
neveraarcham wifemorge
leminapar willaulolilk
marryomice woodguste elisedine
kenettmae dewtonytop
leuorleb lowwalver
quieturith cornelisuquo
hertoloke urnviram
usobarrew spendomrudon lafaytoner
treesamil fagbyruce pawthels
chauncetwa theneshoot clanfordayay
softjulix hodoaguster rustolfad
hiraddel bogelius
anaigeram beneiurn orekencene
agaedwis sunadonzo
harvidolass drymarman
yetarcham fasylvin
ofcornelis yearayes childalberley
ohmaddiah legoaleorge
horaeloaed hesosco planeonord
baredwigh gumtayle
addiaholare emmeterrah
raceudude kenmormon hotiauger
yahymoseph willbud bowbene
harnerudun oyuemeroy coyupetephric
lafaytonolnob parviram lymonoachi
deolemoral dianoseteph
archampsi dagrusses raychael
hidandert lonarkeeng

About waitoaemes

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